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What Christmas Should Be About...

Christmas is such an amazing holiday! And it is so fun to see what your friends got and seeing what other people got for Christmas. And the internet is such an amazing thing and I love it, but these days at this time of the year especially, there are so many people sharing what they got for Christmas and what they want for Christmas. Christmas has become so materialistic and that is sad because that is not what it is meant for at all. Weather you believe Christmas is about Jesus Christ or not, it still isn't about the gifts and the materialistic things. Christmas should be about family, spreading kindness and happiness, spending time with people you love, and just overall being happy and not focusing on yourself, but instead everyone is so stressed out and in bad moods, spending money on unnecessary things, expecting unnecessary things, and getting all wrapped up in all of the is just stuff. If you are reading and watching what others got for Christmas and are feeling bad about what you got...don't because ya that's great that they got what they wanted for Christmas but that isn't what it is about. Be grateful for what you have received and have gratitude for what you always take for granted. There are so many younger kids on the internet now and they are thinking that this is what Christmas is all about an you need all of this stuff to be happy. These crazy gifts are just stuff. Stuff shouldn't be what brings joy. I mean yes, if someone bought you a gift I am sure you would be ecstatic and so happy, but you shouldn't be expecting to get this stuff because again, at the end of the day, it is just stuff. Learn to be happy and bring joy into your life without all this stuff. Just thinking of this we have set a goal that in 2018 our blog will be more real and more about things that are actually important. For a while there we kind of got all caught up in what the rest of the internet and popular blogs were dong but we realized that isn't what is important. We started this blog to be different and real, so from now on that is exactly what it will be. We will still write about things we love like fashion, beauty, and other things that inspire us but a lot more of it will be not so materialistic and overall more real. Anyway, we know that Christmas is over but keep this in mind. It is still the holiday season so spread joy and happiness, have gratitude, and try to not make this season so materialistic. If you read all of this thank you and we love you!

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