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How to be a Morning Person

There are many perks to being a morning person. If you are an early bird you are usually more persistant, and have lower levels of anxiety so if you are wanting to be a morning person than we have tips for you!

How to be a Morning Person

1. Set an alarm

Eventually you won't need an alarm but to start off make sure you set one to wake up as early as you want.

2. Go to bed early

This is honestly the key to being an early bird. To know when to go to bed use Sleep Calculator and set the time for when you want to wake up and it will tell you when you need to go to bed in order to wake up in between sleep cycles. You can also use it to know when to wake up if you want to go to bed at a certain time.

3. Don't eat late at night

Don't eat at least 2-3 hours before you go to bed.

4. Turn your phone off

You don't need your phone before bed so turn it off. Use an actual alarm clock for our alarm, not your phone so that you won't get tempted to use it. Instead of being on your phone before bed, read a book or magazine.

5. Prepare the night before

Instead of getting stressed in the morning, get everything layed out and prepared the night before. Your morning will go a lot smoother and you will like your mornings a lot more when you aren't so stressed.

6. Relax and take your time

Now that you have everything prepared the night before, you can just relax and take your time getting ready. You might actually look forward to mornings when you can rela and take your time.

7. Wake up at the same time every morning

This will help your brain get on a routine. if you wake up at the same time every morning, you will start to wake up on your own, without an alarm.

8. Take a shower

Shower in the morning to help wake you up a little bit more.

9. Open your windows or turn on the light

Revealing light to your eyes when you wake helps you wake up and feel more alert.

10. Drink water

Chug a cup of water right when you wake up and this is, again, is something that will help you wake up and feel more alert. Get hydrated after going many hours without water will for sure help out.

11. Eat breakfast

Honestly I never skip breakfast because it is something I love and look forward to every morning. It helps me wake up and gives me energy throughout the day. I know you hear that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but for real, it is very important, never skip it!

12. Jump out of bed

literally jump out of your bed. This really does work to give you a boost of energy in the morning.

13. Exercise

Get moving in the morning to help you get the blood flowing and get energized!

14. Sleep in total darkness

when you sleep in a pitch black room, you will fall asleep easier.

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