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15 Tips To Stay Motivated

Motivation is so important if you ever want to accomplish anything and we know everybody wants to accomplish a goal or a dream so we decided to share our tips on staying motivated.

1. Just Start

Look at what you have to do and Just do it. You need to start in order to succeed. You need to start in order to achieve something and make it a reality.

2. Surround Yourself With Positivity

If you are surrounded with positivity it will help you stay inspired and have a good attitude.

3. Set Achievable Deadlines

If you have an impossible deadline, you obviously won't achieve it. Set achievable deadlines to make it possible. If you don't achieve them you won't end up finishing what you started.

4. Tell a Friend

Open up to a friend about your goals, this will help it to become real and not a dream. Maybe your friend would even like to come along on this journey with you which will help you stay motivated and have a good attitude. You guys can cheer each other on and make it more fun then it would be alone.

5. Stay Organized

This is seriously so important! As long as you see what you have to do and plan ahead this will make a huge difference! This will also help you to remember everything, because I know that we both forget things quite easily. Be organized because life will be much easier and not so chaotic.

6. Reward Yourself

This will keep you motivated to reach that end goal in order to get that reward. Rewarding yourself is good thing, it keeps you on track. Giving yourself a reward ONLY if you reach that goal.

7. Distress Yourself

If you are stressed meditate and exercise. You want to keep your mind sane and healthy being stressed surely won't help at all. Don't get stressed, keep yourself set on your goal but don't stress over it.

8. Create a To-Do List

Check off the things you get done because that is the most satisfying and rewarding thing ever! Set a goal to check everything off of your list by a certain time and it will help motivate you to keep going so you can check it off.

9. Set smaller Goals

Set smaller goals in order to reach the big ones. Breaking it down piece by piece will help it become easier to reach your big goal.

10. Stay Inspired

To get motivated, something has to inspire you. If you stay inspired, you stay motivated. Set up inspiring things around you to help keep you motivated. Find things that inspire you and surround yourself with them.

11. Set a Routine

Once you are on a routine, your brain will get on track at that certain time and you will have that time everyday to dedicate to reaching that goal.

12. Commit Yourself

Commit to this goal and work hard to achieve it. Once you are committed you have motivation and realize there is a reason to all of this work. Commit yourself and don't turn back, make this dream a reality.

13. Make it Fun

When you are bored doing your work, you will have no motivation so mix it up and keep it fun because once you get bored you'll start making excuses and nothing gets done.

14. Believe in yourself

There is a quote by Neal A. Maxwell that says, "It is extremely important for you to believe in yourselves, not only for what you are now, but for what you have the power to become"

I love this quote so much! We used it for one of our Words of Wisdom Wednesdays on Instagram! It just tells how important it is to believe in what you can become.

15. Remember That Failure is a Part of Success

Failure is the First Attempt At Learning. Yes, the first, you may need more than one attempt, and that's ok because you will learn as you go. If you don't succeed the first time, don't give up, try again. Once you accomplish your goal enjoy it because you will be successful if you work hard and stay motivated!

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