BTS Inspiration: Emergency Kit + Locker Essentials
Every girl needs an emergency kit in their lockers because all of us are going to have emergencies and your kit will be our life saver! We both keep a makeup bag in our locker full of random stuff we will most likely need throughout the school year for emergencies. So we wanted to share with you what we keep in our emergency kits and our locker essentials.
1. Pads/Tampons
This is the most obvious one of them all, because girls we need to be prepared for the worst! When you have THE emergency this will save your life! Keeping these in your locker is important because you never know when you might need them. even if you haven't started your period yet, you might want to still keep these in there just in case, because it is way better to be safe than sorry. Let me tell you, you will be sorry if you don't have one when you need one!

2. Q-tips and a Tide-To-Go Pen:
This might sound weird but I kept Q-tips in my locker and they saved me! A lot of the time I would be in a hurry and put mascara on but then when I got to school I noticed it was everywhere so Q-tips really do come in handy! As for the tide-to-go pen, its kind of self explanatory. I spill on myself all the time...we both do.

3. Mascara (or any other makeup you may want in there):
Mascara for me is one thing I need the most. Again when I am in a hurry I leave my house forgetting to put on mascara or any makeup for that matter or I might just not have time, so keeping mascara in my locker saved me, again, so many times! This is one of the times Q-tips would come in handy because when I put mascara on, every time I need to clean up with a Q-tip or two. Sometimes I go all day with no makeup at school because we all have those days, but most of the time that doesn't happen. If you want, you can keep concealer or anything like that in there too, just to be safe.

4. Chapstick and/or Lip-gloss:
Chapstick is another thing I need 24/7. My lips get super dry and the worst thing ever is when your lips are screaming at you telling you they need chapstick but you don't have any and you go through the whole day in pain. Unfortunately this happens a lot to me so you will be glad you put chapstick in your emergency kit, trust me! And for the lip-gloss, sometimes you just need a little gloss.

5. Lotion:
Keep a little bottle of lotion in your kit because your hands will get dry or maybe your legs or arms need it bad and you will be so happy you put that in there!

6. Ibuprofen:
Some schools don't allow you to bring medicine, which is ok... don't bring it if you aren't allowed to, but this will help if you have a bad headache, which happens a lot with school. Also in my experiences friends will ask for it too sometimes and you will be their hero. Being prepared can help your friends too if you are willing to share, haha.

7. Hair Ties and Bobby Pins:
I find myself needing both of these things literally all the time and when you need them the most you never have them so be prepared and keep them in your kit!

8. Perfume and Deodorant:
I think perfume and deodorant are really good things to keep with you because when you forget to put them on before you leave you might feel a little self conscious so keeping these with you at school will again, save you!

9. Hair brush:
A hair brush or comb can really come in handy because your hair can get super tangled throughout the day and I think it feels good to just brush through your hair when you need it. Personally in class sometimes I will run my fingers through my hair and I hate when I can't get al the way through my hair without the dang tangles.

10. Travel Size Toothbrush:
Keeping a toothbrush at school is really smart because if you feel like you have food in your teeth after lunch you can just brush them really quick. When you have food in your teeth you usually don't open your mouth that much because you don't want people to see the gross food in your teeth so being able to brush your teeth will help you be able to feel more comfortable. Go to the store and buy the cute little baby ones with prepackaged toothpaste on them, that will save space!

1. Food/Snacks:
I swear I get so hungry during school so what I love to keep in my locker is a basket full of snacks and candy for when you really need it! Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day so when I don't have time to eat breakfast I get really hungry and the little basket of goodies saves me and my mood! Plus we all have those days when you just have those cravings!

2. Jacket/Hoodie:
I hate when the school is really cold or you just have those super cold classes and you forget your jacket! Having an extra jacket can really be a life saver because I cannot concentrate when I am freezing cold.

3. Charger:
Keep an extra phone charger in your locker because I hate when my phone dies at school and the days that it dies are of course the days I can use it the most. Just keeping an extra charger can save you or your friends!

4. Cash:
I like to keep cash in my phone but you can also keep it in your locker because you never know what you might need it for.

5. Mirror:
This is more of a decoration but it is an important one! I love having a mirror in my locker because you can just casually check if your face is doing alright, haha. But for real it can save you a trip to the bathroom and it helps...a lot.

Those are what we keep in our Emergency Kits and some of our most important locker essentials. I hope that this inspired you and helped you in making your Emergency Kit and making sure you have the most needed locker essentials. Stay Inspired!