BTS Inspiration: How To Be Confident
Being confident is very important for school because if you are confident you are yourself. And being yourself at school and really anywhere is important because that's how you are going to find real friends that love you for you. Being confident is not the same as being arrogant or conceded, you can be humble and confident at the same time. Confidence is not "they will love me" its "I don't care if they don't" that's the difference.
1. Confidence starts with loving who you are:
Loving who you are doesn't mean to be obsessed with yourself but it means to love what your momma gave ya and to be comfortable in your own skin. For example if you have freckles that you don't like, you honestly should love them because that's what makes you you. There is not one person that shares the same features as you, so you need to rock them and that is what's going to make you stand out. Even if you are a twin you aren't the same person, you might look similar but you will always be your own person and you have features that you don't share with your twin, there is not one person in this world that is the exact same as you and you should rock those differences. Loving who you are isn't just loving what you look like but loving who YOU are. What makes you you? Your personality is part of who you are and you can show that off by being yourself and loving that person.
2. Dressing the part:
Yes dressing. As in the clothes you wear. Believe it or not what you wear impacts how you feel. And how you feel impacts your confidence. This doesn't mean being all dressed up in order to be confident, it means dress the way that makes you feel great about yourself, this can be sweatpants or dresses, if you feel beautiful and great in them then wear them.
3. Choose your friends wisely:
Being confident is a lot easier to do when you don't have friends that put you down all the time. Choose friends that love you for you and let you be your own confident self. If you have good friends in your life, it will help you feel good and as we already established the way you feel impacts your confidence level. Surround yourself with good people that love to be around you and that you love to be around too.
4. Stop comparing yourself to others:
Comparing yourself to others is basically tearing yourself down. This goes along with loving yourself, you have to love yourself enough to not compare yourself. You can't be that person so don't even bother trying to compare yourself to them or wish that you were any different. You can only be you so don't waste your time. Not comparing yourself to others is a huge part of being confident, doing so doesn't make you confident it makes you self conscious.
5. Think positive:
Being negative all the time is one sign of being self conscious and if you want to be confident then do the opposite and be positive. Being positive will help you show the world that you are confident because if you were negative nelly all the time saying "I'm too fat," "I need to lose weight," "ugh, I hate my hair," etc. you obviously will show everyone that you are not at all confident in yourself. Think positive and the world will see your confidence.
6. Making mistakes is normal, laugh and learn:
Every single human on this earth makes mistakes all the dang time and I can't stress this enough, making mistakes is human and not one person is perfect. Owning up to mistakes and laughing about them and learning from them is confidence.
7. Don't let anyone define or bully you:
You are in charge of yourself and nobody can tell you what to do or who you are. You are your own person and you can define yourself, don't try to fit it or fit into a mold that someone else made, you are yourself and they can take it or leave it. If there are people trying to bully you, stick up for yourself. If you are being bullied or someone is trying to define you just remember that they are self conscious and jealous. They want to tear you down to make you just as self conscious. No confident person would ever put others down. The only reason someone would want to put another down would be to feel better about themselves. Stick up for yourself and others, if you see someone else getting bullied stick up for them too, that's not just a sign of confidence, its a sign of courage and integrity too.
8. Smile:
When you smile not only will you be in a good mood everyone around you will be happy too. When other people are happy they smile and everyone around them will smile, its a big cycle. Starting that cycle will make lots of other people happy. I know that you can't be happy all the time but you can fake it 'till you make it. There is a quote that basically says when you smile it doesn't necessarily mean that you are happy it means that you are strong. Being strong and smiling is confidence and it shows.
9. Give complements:
Giving compliments shows that you are confident enough to give others the chance to feel good about themselves. You know that feeling when you get a compliment, the feeling of recognition and praise from someone and it makes you feel good about yourself? Well giving a compliment can feel the same way. Self conscious people will focus their negative energy toward people that they are jealous of to make themselves feel better but confident people won't let their insecurities get in the way of giving a compliment. Giving a compliment can feel powerful and make you feel just as great as the person you gave it to.
10. Have good posture:
Having good posture says a lot about the way you feel or think about yourself. Posture is one of the ways your body shows how you carry yourself which shows how confident you actually are. Good posture is keeping your back straight and your shoulders back, the cherry on top is having your chin up. Even if you aren't totally confident, have good posture when you are walking, standing, and sitting because the way you position your body can trick your mind into the confidence and will make you feel more in charge of your life.
11. Keep eye contact:
When you are talking to someone keep eye contact because that person will know you are confident and will think of you as a respectful person and someone who cares. If you are looking away when they are talking to you or when you are talking to them it shows that you aren't totally involved in the conversation and shows you are too insecure to look them in the eye. Keep eye contact and people will perceive you as a confident person.
12. Be Grateful:
Gratitude is a big part of being confident because it affects the way you think about yourself and your life. A good exercise to do before you go to bed every single night is write down a few things you are grateful of and make it something new every night. For example: I am grateful for my friend Kate because she helped me overcome one of my biggest fears today and she has always been there for me. Write down at least 3 every night and this exercise will help you realize how much you have in your life to be thankful for.
13. Listen to music that makes you feel good:
When I hear a song that makes me happy with a good beat and bass and even words, it makes me feel like I can accomplish anything. Music that makes you want to huddle up in a corner and cry isn't the kind of music you should be listening to when you want to be a happy, confident person. Music really is a powerful thing and can control your emotions so easily without you even knowing it. Listen to songs that make you happy and powerful and you will act happy and powerful.
14. Live a healthy lifestyle:
Living a healthy lifestyle means a lot of things. First exercise, exercise will make you feel great and will improve the way you think and feel about yourself. Getting enough sleep, eating healthy and drinking healthy will also improve the way your body will feel, how you feel and think about yourself. Living a healthy lifestyle doesn't just mean changing the way you live but maybe what surrounds you too. So cleaning up where you live will help you to have a better mood. Think about when your house or room was a disaster... I bet you weren't happy, when your house or room is clean it makes you feel like you can get a lot more done and it makes you feel better about yourself, kind of like you have your life cleaned up, haha.
15. Fake it 'till you make it:
If you aren't confident yet, you will get there. Fake being confident until you ARE confident. Trick yourself into thinking you are confident and soon you will find yourself actually a confident person.
We hope these tips will help you be a more confident version of yourself. Confidence is an important thing to have and we really hope that we helped you achieve that! Here are some of our favorite confidence quotes: