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217 Things To Do In 2017

It is a new year and we thought that we would share 2017 things to do because it is obviously 2017 now, but we couldn't come up with that many so we are going to share with you 217 things to do instead. So if you and your friends are bored or don't know what to do here are some fun ideas to make this year a blast!

1. Have a photoshoot.

2. Go to a movie theater in onesies.

3. Go bowling.

4. Go to the zoo and take pictures with the animals.

5. Play board games and card games.

6. Make fun drinks with flavored syrups, lemonade and soda.

7. Go to a trampoline park.

8. Go for lunch, breakfast, or dinner.

9. Get shakes or ice cream.

10. Draw with chalk on the side walk (you are never too old for that).

11. Have a picnic with food from home or go get fast food and eat at the park on a blanket.

12. Get cheap shirts from Walmart and tie dye them.

13. Go on a bike ride.

14. Look on Pinterest for some fun DIY's and make them.

15. Go shopping at the mall.

16. Go to the farmers market.

17.Plan a trip together.

18. Make caramel popcorn and get lots of candy and junk food and have movie marathon.

19. Make a movie. It sounds lame but its really fun, we made a "movie" with our friends. It is obviously just for your viewing but it is so much fun, we did So You Think You Can Dance and acted out dances and judges, it was a blast!

20. Go mini golfing.

21. Bake lot of cookies and desserts then eat them!

22. Host a barbeque and invite a lot of friends!

23. Make homemade pizza for dinner. Find a yummy recipe online and make it together.

24. Make bath bombs!

25. Have a water balloon fight at a park.

26. Go on a train ride somewhere.

27. Have a huge game of kick ball at the park with a bunch of friends.

28. Have a cook-off, like on the show chopped.

29. Host an outdoor movie night.

30. Sleep out on the trampoline.

31. Play lazar tag.

32. Go to the drive-in movie theater.

33. Wear white clothes that you are ok with getting permanently dirty and play messy twister.

34. Hammock.

35.Go swimming in an indoor or outdoor pool.

36. Go to an aquarium.

37. Have a bonfire and roast marshmallows and starbursts.

38. Go on a night hike.

39. Go go-karting.

40. Go ice skating.

41. Go rollerblading.

42. Play a volleyball game.

43. Do nails.

44. Go paddle boarding.

45. Have a home spa day.

46. Make homemade root beer.

47. Go tubing.

48. Make root beer floats.

49. Do random acts of kindness.

50. Fill a truck bed with blankets and pillows then drive to the middle of nowhere and stargaze

51. Go eat at a favorite restaurant.

52. Go out and buy a backpack and things to fill it with for a homeless person or someone in need.

53. Build a super epic fort.

54. Make playlists,

55. Go on a road trip.

56. Play 20 questions.

57. Play night games.

58. Go on a walk.

59. Go adventure find somewhere new.

60. Go horse riding.

61. Have a DIY competition, whoever makes the best DIY wins!

62. Hit up the sale racks!

63. Rent a cabin and stay somewhere fun with a bunch of your friends.

64. Go get massages or massage each other.

65. Make a best friends bucket list.

66. Do each others hair, makeup, and outfit super crazy and go out in public for at least an hour.

67. Play truth or dare.

68. Play fireball, which is, you give someone three dares to choose from, its kind of like truth or dare.

69. Rent a movie and order take out.

70. Make a new recipe.

71. Do the yoga challenge.

72. Do the smoothie challenge.

73. Do the Bean Boozled challenge.

74. Do the eat it or wear it challenge.

75. Do the baby food challenge.

76. Do each others makeup blindfolded.

77. Watch your favorite childhood movie or show.

78. Relax in a hot tub.

79. Give one of your friends a room makeover or do your room.

80. Go down memory lane and look at old pictures.

81. Read your old journals.

82. Come up with code words for your crushes or other people/things.

83. Plant flowers in the shape of something.

84. Make a time capsule and burry it.

85. Start reading a book together, kind of like a book club.

86. Make a travel wish list.

87. Make a shopping list.

88. Make a bucket list.

89. Make a reading list.

90. Make a future goals list.

91. Color in coloring books!

92. Practice new hairstyles.

93. Volunteer.

94. Go through all of your stuff and host a garage sale.

95. Go to Costco for the free samples.

96. Start a YouTube channel all together.

97. Start a scrapbook.

98. Turn music on loud and dance.

99. Start and finish a whole series on Netflix.

100. Make homemade ice cream.

101. Prank call someone you know.

102. Put vanilla pudding in a mayo jar and eat it in public.

103. Watch scary movies.

104. Go camping.

105. Ride four-wheelers.

106. Host a pot-luck dinner party.

107. Go canoeing

108. Make gifts for someone special.

109. Go to the park and play an old game of four-square.

110. Go to an outdoor concert.

111. Go through a drive-thru on bikes.

112. Pull an all-nighter.

113. Go night swimming.

114. Go shopping at an outdoor mall.

115. Make snow cones.

116. Go out for frozen yogurt.

117. Have an epic water gun fight.

118. Start a 2017 memories album.

119. Go shopping to pick out an outfit for each other.

120. Have a picnic at the beach.

121. Write letters or each other and open them in 10 years.

122. Workout together, go to the gym or do workout video.

123. Spruce up a furniture piece together.

124. Start a new tradition.

125. Have lip sync battle.

126. Have a progressive dinner.

127. Talk while you clean out your closet.

128. Go rock climbing.

129. Go buy a bunch of junk food and drinks and watch a whole movie series.

130. Plan a party to host and make cute invites to give to people.

131. Go boating.

132. Bake and decorate cupcakes.

133. Go on your roof and stargaze.

134. Go to a pet store and look at the pets.

135. Go to an amusement park.

136. Make jewelry.

137. Go to a public place and see how many numbers you can get of cute guys.

138. Slide down a grass hill in cardboard boxes.

139. Make inspiration boards, cut things out of magazines and glue them on a frame.

140. Start a fundraiser for a charity.

141. Go on run or a jog.

142. Mow your lawn and then a few of your neighbors lawns.

143. Go thrift shopping.

144. Turn something old into something new.

145. Go scuba diving.

146. Tour huge houses.

147. Rent Segways for the day.

148. Go Ziplining.

149. Write a letter to yourself and open it in 10 years.

150. Explore houses that are in the process of getting built.

151. Get a hotel room with your best friend/s.

152. Go to a midnight movie.

153. Go to a concert.

154. Meal plan and prep.

155. Eat lunch somewhere with a great view.

156. Go swimming in the lake.

157. Go ride wave runners.

158. Go fishing.

159. Try to learn a new skill like surfing or skateboarding.

160. Go to a baseball game.

161. Go to a new café or restaurant.

162. Explore a city.

163. Eat breakfast by the pool.

164. Buy a whole new wardrobe.

165. Make homemade dinner and eat together.

166. Visit an animal shelter.

167. Go thrift shopping.

168. Play would you rather.

169. Watch the fireflies.

170. Take up a new hobby together.

171. Host a glow in the dark party.

172. Have a backyard campout with s'mores, snacks, and lots of fun!

173. Have a soda bar.

174. Bake desserts for friends and neighbors.

175. Have a pajama party!

176. Get snow cones.

177. Start a group YouTube channel.

178. Do each others makeup and make it cute.

179. Do a live video on Instagram.

180. Do a public prank.

181. Make slushies'.

182. Make different kinds of lemonade.

183. Host a big game day Super Bowl party.

184. Buy wooden letters and paint them, decorate them and make them cute.

185. Have a southern brunch with a bunch of friends.

186. Play hide-and-go-seek in Ikea or Walmart.

187. Go to the store and buy a bunch of junk food and stay up all night.

188. Get milkshakes at midnight.

189. Taste test every kind of Pringles.

190. Do the taste test challenge.

191. Get ready all cute and go find hot guys.

192. Explore the woods.

193. Go on a weekend trip together.

194. Shop at the mall right when it opens to right when it closes.

195. Make best friend or squad t-shirts.

196. Swing on the swings at the park.

197. Make friendship bracelets.

198. Go to a local festival.

199. Soak in the hut tub at midnight.

200. Turn on the music on and have a dance sesh.

201. Tour your dream homes.

202. Go to a pizza place and eat some pizza!

203. Take some polaroid's and start a polaroid memory wall.

204. Go to a food truck.

205. Make smoothies and sun bathe in hammocks.

206. Get cute pool floaters and hang out at the beach or the pool and take pictures.

207. Get the same PJ's and go out in public like it was normal.

208. Go to In-N-Out Burger.

209. Hang out outside at sunset until the sun rises.

210. Go to an open-gym near you.

211. Spend a day or two with your friends in a city near yours.

212. Try a new treat of some sort that you usually would never try.

213. Get your makeup done at a makeup counter.

214. Watch your show while you write thank you notes to people that you care about.

215. Make your favorite candies from scratch.

216. Buy new outfits and spend the whole day having a photoshoot.

217. Just talk. Talk about your dreams, goals, everything, just talk.


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